Welcome to today’s talk on The Long Past of Feminist Action with historian Professor Lucy Delap of the University of Cambridge. She tells us that there are important ways in which we should be looking back at feminist histories.


Our learning objectives today are:


  • ·To identify what is usable in historic feminist tactics for fighting male violence and for resisting sexism and patriarchy.

  • To reflect on whom feminism is for and what feminism in the past can teach us.

  • To start exploring the potential for the women’s movement to develop in new ways.


We leave you with some key points.

  • Feminism in the past has been forgotten or repudiated. But if we look at shared experience between past and present, it helps to clarify contemporary issues.

  • Comparable tactics have emerged amongst women activists at different historical moments and in different places. Publicly stripping in order to manifest resistance, for example, has been an important tactic over time, though its meanings can vary.

  • Intersectionality or thinking about race and colour and class and gender and women issues all in one itself has a history.

  • Issues around non-binary and trans individuals are not new. The feminist past is rich and usable today.